Digital commerce affects almost everyone’s lives. It is hard to remember a time when one could not sign on to a website like Amazon, order a product, pay for it and have it delivered to your front door within days, not weeks. Although catalogues have been around for a century or so, the digital-commerce revolution has changed the way we think about shopping for many of our everyday and special occasion products. Extend this to digital services, such as streaming videos or online games, and...
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Customer Experience,
Business Intelligence,
Product Information Management,
Price and Revenue Management,
Digital Commerce,
AI and Machine Learning
Organizations have long sought ways to achieve a fast but “clean” (accurate) financial close. The most widely accepted benchmark is to be able to close within one business week. Organizations that close within a business week are almost always more competent in how they manage the process and therefore use resources more efficiently. Also, organizations that close their books within six days after the end of the quarter are more likely to provide executives with timely information and respond...
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Office of Finance,
Business Planning,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
robotic finance
Organizations are accelerating their digital transformation and looking for innovative ways to engage with customers in this new digital era of data management. The goal is to understand how to manage the growing volume of data in real time, across all sources and platforms, and use it to inform, streamline and transform internal operations. Over the years, the adoption of cloud computing has gained momentum with more and more organizations trying to make use of applications, data, analytics...
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business intelligence,
embedded analytics,
Data Governance,
Information Management,
Internet of Things,
natural language processing,
AI and Machine Learning
The challenges of the pandemic prevented auditors from visiting client offices, which led to widespread adoption of remote audit processes. Although there are outward similarities between a remote audit and a virtual audit, they aren’t the same. A remote audit uses technology to adapt the existing audit processes to an environment where in-person interactions are impossible. A virtual audit uses technology to redefine and streamline how auditors conduct an annual audit.
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Office of Finance,
Financial Performance Management,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
digital finance
Having just completed the 2021 Ventana Research Value Index for Analytics and Data, I want to share some of my observations about how the market has advanced since our assessment two years ago. The analytics software market is quite mature and products from any of the vendors we assess can be used to effectively deliver information to help your organization improve its operations. However, it’s also interesting to see how much the market continues to advance and how much investment vendors...
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Big Data,
Key Performance Indictors,
embedded analytics,
Business Collaboration,
Business Intelligence,
Data Preparation,
Digital Technology,
natural language processing,
Conversational Computing,
collaborative computing,
mobile computing,
AI and Machine Learning
Irked by the need to account for every penny of his college expenses, poet Robert Frost penned the lines:
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Office of Finance,
Financial Performance Management,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
digital finance
I am happy to share insights gleaned from our latest Value Index research, an assessment of how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements. The Ventana Research Value Index: Analytics and Data 2021 is the distillation of a year of market and product research by Ventana Research. Drawing on our Benchmark Research, we apply a structured methodology built on evaluation categories that reflect the real-world criteria incorporated in a request for proposal to analytics and data vendors...
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Big Data,
The pandemic accelerated several trends in the contact-center industry that were already underway, chiefly: moving infrastructure and software applications to the cloud, and rethinking the process of managing agents. One byproduct of these trends is a renewed look at the similarities between business-phone systems (also known as unified communications, or UC) and contact center systems (CC).
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Customer Experience,
Contact Center,
agent management,
AI and Machine Learning
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a core digital technology for finance and accounting organizations. It can drive significant gains in productivity and efficiency by automating mechanical, repetitive accounting processes in a continuous, end-to-end fashion. RPA improves efficiency, ensures data integrity and enhances visibility into processes.
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Office of Finance,
Business Planning,
Financial Performance Management,
Price and Revenue Management,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
robotic finance,
Predictive Planning
The modern contact center relies heavily on software that enables agents to perform multiple complex tasks while simultaneously managing the customer-facing side of interactions. This has allowed CRM vendors to build tools, such as agent desktop interfaces, that control virtually all aspects of the service environment.
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Customer Experience,
Voice of the Customer,
Contact Center,
Sales Performance Management,
Workforce Management,
agent management,
sales enablement