NICE Systems is best known for its suite of workforce optimization products [] that I recently assessed. However, after attending its user event last year, I wrote in 2013 that it was extending its portfolio and changing its focus to concentrate on packaged solutions that address specific business needs. Over the years the company’s portfolio has evolved through a combination of in-house development, acquisitions and partnerships. This approach enabled NICE to build a broad portfolio quickly, but it also created challenges in integrating the separate products into a homogeneous whole. One of the key acquisitions was Fizzback, which gave NICE entry to the market for customer feedback and voice of the customer (VOC) software. In this context I was keen to learn during a recently briefing how the company is integrating these products into a broader VOC portfolio.
These results become input for three other products: NICE Quality Management, Performance Management and Real-Time Guidance and Automation. Quality Management is used to monitor and assess agent performance. By linking this with outputs from the VOC portfolio, companies can focus agent training and coaching on areas that are impacting the customer experience. The link with Real-time Guidance and Automation allows information and alerts to be passed to agents as they handle interactions, ensuring that they follow the correct process and have the information at hand to quickly resolve customer issues. Performance Management creates a view of how interactions are handled and supports the creation of alerts and workflows that ensure corrective action is taken to improve the overall customer experience.
All of my research indicates that the customer experience must be an enterprise-wide responsibility, and therefore companies should connect everyone who handles interactions. To do that information and processes must flow across business unit boundaries, which requires connected systems and a common, complete view of how interactions are handled and their outcomes. NICE has come a long way in its efforts to create business-related product packages, and its broader VOC portfolio enables companies to link a range of actions to customer feedback. I recommend that companies assess how NICE’s products can help them improve operational efficiency, as well as employee and customer satisfaction.
Richard J. Snow
VP & Research Director